Biography of Seymour Papert
Position paper by delegate James Bosco
Position paper by delegate Costas Tsolakidis
Karen Coleman's talk with Carol Strohecker. 106FM Wide Angle, 9 May 2004
RTE Radio Future Tense interviews with Seymour Papert, Carol Strohecker and Jerome Morrissey. 18 May 2004
Discussion among Seymour Papert,
Carol Strohecker, Sile O'Modhrain and
Connie Hermant with Brendan O'Brien. 106FM Wide Angle, 23 May 2004
Berni Dwan's talk with Seymour Papert about how computers amplify the intellectual capabilities of children. Irish Examiner, 22 October 2004
The computer is not information, it's building material � something constructive�
Things that are in our culture, children learn easily � things that are not, they don't�
Children need to be active producers rather than passive consumers if they are to benefit from technology� The idea that the kids need to program the computer is absolutely essential. It is so anti-educational that you put this thing into the hands of children and let them be consumers of software rather than having them produce it. I think that the schools are being irresponsible too � they should be giving a lead in how to use computers in effective ways. - Seymour Papert